Thursday, 24 March 2011


And that's the end of that...I leave you with our lovely film poster, oogle at your pleasure: 


Sunday, 20 March 2011

The Protools Session...

After the picture edit had been completed, it was Rahel's turn for sound edit in the Protools suite. Her suite also had no ventilation or windows. But what was worse  about Rahel's suite was that it was sound proof. So if there was ever an attempted one would ever know... :P  

Anyway, here are some photos and video logs of her and her lovely team working away! :)


 Doing some Folley Work:

Rahel rips up some posters...

Setting up the mic while everyone else waits around...

Rahel Autotunes Beck...he tends to go off key alot...why he chose singing as a career remains a mystery to many...

Kirsty snaps a photo as she waits around...

Ladies and Gents...we proudly present to you the next Leona Lewis... ;)

More mic setting up...

Beck randomly decides to make King Kong sounds effects...


Beck - producer, Kirsty - Star in the making.

Beck the producer eyes Kirsty...he isn't pleased with her performance... :/

More poster tearing...

Listening over and adjusting levels...



Monday, 14 March 2011

Protools V.O's

Rahel and Kim did a series of Voice Overs for the film...we called back our actors, alongside a few extras. Here are some memorable sound clips... :P

Chris doing some V.O's...

The director gives the thumbs up!

Monday, 28 February 2011

Kirsty and co. in the Picture Edit Suite...

Our Amazing editor Kirsty spent two weeks in the edit suite (which had no windows or ventilation system...eeek - but did have an awesome plazma!, working very hard to perfect our film. The results paid off in the end...she created a masterpiece! :) This is her and Kim (director) working very hard...and the other members of the group (Rahel and Beck) messing about. :P


Editing...!!! :)

Kim putting together a sequence from Kirsty's cards! :)

Kirsty and her amazing board of problems and ideas...!!!

"Shall we take that scene out?"  :O

The amazing duo put together a sequence...


Kim pontificates further...

Kirsty + board! :)

Serious editing...

All's good in the edit suite! ;)

Kirsty editing away...



Where the others mess about...


Beck pretends to edit...:P

Beck falls asleep after a hard days work of editing...

Charlie's/Kim's Angels... (though we're missing one) :/

All is GooOod in da suite!


The Three Monkeys!

In memory of our beloved Manray... *wish u were here* :(

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Manray's Goodbye...

Unfortunately, this was Manray's (Manuel Goletto - technically he should be re-dubbed ManGo, but what ever...) last project in London Land as he moved back to Milan/Italy on Saturday. This is him saying his goodbyes. It was an emotional time for all of us. This moment will forever be engraved in the history books of Bromance...(if such a book exists, if it doesn't, then it should.) :(

Friday, 18 February 2011

Behind The Scenes: Clips from Fantasy Shoot...

The Iron ad!

The girls groove on set!

Who said a boom op and a camera man can't be the bestest of friends?
(Mark, this one's for you.) ;)

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Fantasy Seq. Simulacra Studios - (14th - 15th Feb! - Brixton) :) are some behind the scenes pics from the fantasy seq. shoot we recorded at the Simulacra Studios in Brixton.  ;)

Kim - Le Director! :)

Le Director wiz Le Camera

Baek the camera man!

Posing wiv his m8's!

Apeksha the Producer! :)

Rahel + Manuel = The Sound ppl!

Kirsty (Editor/Time Coder) + Kim (Director) + Fran (Runner) = <3

Matt + Fran = THE RUNNERS!

Andree the hairstylist... doing Sally's hair. :)

Jenny the Makeup artists doing Sally's makeup!

Is the Boom in shot??? The director gives her 'its a wrap folks' speech.


This is Simba, our baby! :)

The real boom op. takes his vengeance!

RAMBO and the fake Boom Op!

This is Baek running...

This is Manray running...

This is them running together! :)


Veryan, our lovely and most talented dress maker/costumeist...(is that even a word, sounds like communist???)

Everyone congregates around the awesome record player... :)

Manuel is Ecstatic!

Sim decides to check it out too...

Sim: "What's this hype all about, I'm getting jealous???"

Baek and his new fashion statement - pegs in hair.

Baek with his girlies...

The lovely Fran :D <3

No Comment.

The Cat handler Matt spends some quality time with Sim.


Man Ray



Kirsty + Rahel  = <3

Sally: This coffee is disgusting!