Finishing the Script
A note from the director:
In terms of working method, I can honestly say that ‘Annie Audrey’ is one of the strangest scripts I have worked on. Usually, when approaching writing a script or prose, I would try to plan, map out my ideas and explore my characters before just diving in and writing whatever came out of my mind at the time. However with ‘Annie Audrey’ I did just that: I placed myself in front of my laptop one evening, and character of Annie tumbled out of my mind and into a script. Considering I wrote the first draft in such a fashion and in the space of an evening, I always knew it was going to need a lot work.
One of my all time favourite playwrights is Arthur Miller and I’ve always been inspired by the story of him locking himself away in his studio in Roxbury, Connecticut, to write ‘Death of a Salesmen’ in six weeks. This Christmas holiday, I attempted something similar. Instead of Connecticut, I went back home to North Wales, away from my busy life in London to my much quieter family home where I could give Annie Audrey the attention it deserved. I spent an intensive few days with the script, taking it in different directions until finally I reached final draft stage. Of course, I know more than anyone, that this isn’t really the finished, final script. Things may still be chopped and changed in rehearsal and on the actual shoot but at least for now the structure is finalized and majority of the final film is there on the page… and that is a very good feeling indeed!
One of my all time favourite playwrights is Arthur Miller and I’ve always been inspired by the story of him locking himself away in his studio in Roxbury, Connecticut, to write ‘Death of a Salesmen’ in six weeks. This Christmas holiday, I attempted something similar. Instead of Connecticut, I went back home to North Wales, away from my busy life in London to my much quieter family home where I could give Annie Audrey the attention it deserved. I spent an intensive few days with the script, taking it in different directions until finally I reached final draft stage. Of course, I know more than anyone, that this isn’t really the finished, final script. Things may still be chopped and changed in rehearsal and on the actual shoot but at least for now the structure is finalized and majority of the final film is there on the page… and that is a very good feeling indeed!